UpTheSmoke Festival/Media Outlets Registration Form

Media Outlets Registration Form

    Full Name (Contact Person) *

    Organization Name *

    Organization Type (Individual or Media Team) *

    Job Title *

    E-mail *

    Phone Number *

    City where you are located *

    What type of media outlet is your organization? *

    Audience Reach *

    Social Media or Website Link *

    File Upload (Portfolio of Work)

    What Will You Be Covering? (Choose all that apply)
    Live performance reviewsArtist interviewsStage photographyBackstage accessSocial media coverageGeneral event coverage

    Brief Description of Coverage Plans: *

    How many media passes do you need? (Limit is 4) *

    Type of Pass Requested: (You can select multiple)
    General Media Pass (B-roll & media access)Backstage Access (Limited)Artist Interviews (Dedicated interview area)Photographer/Videographer Pass (Full stage access)

    Special Requests (parking or other accommodations?)

    We kindly ask that all media outlets post the official event flyer twice before the festival date to help spread awareness.

    Please tag @upthesmokefest in your posts and let your audience know you’ll be covering the event.

    I agree to the terms & conditions.
    I Agree